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Friday, March 1, 2013

Beauty in Pressure

This week I was in a beautiful park taking photos of the waterfalls.
The roar of the falls was so loud, I could hardly hear my friend talking to me,
and she was standing just a couple of feet away.

I was having a grand time shooting the falls and then, 
I had an interesting thought-
Our lives are just like these falls.

Our lives are Beautiful and Unique.

Think about it- What makes the falls beautiful and unique?
I can think of two specific things-
 Rocks and Pressure.

The bigger the rocks, the prettier the falls.
The more pressure, the greater the effect of both beauty and noise.
In our lives it's the same way. There is pressure coming from what seems like all sides.
The rocks in life can be huge and seemingly insurmountable.

If we aren't careful, we will become completely swamped in the busyness of life, and miss the beauty of the life God has planned for us.
If we are feeling the pressure of the many different things around us, 
if we feel like we are having to do somersaults to avoid the rocks in our path, 
then we need to pay attention.

Take a step back, and look at the big picture-

Look at your life.
Look at the different things the Lord has put before you, 
and see the Beauty!
You are a unique individual, and there are plans for your life that you cannot fathom!

So, embrace the rocks, face the pressure, and let it mold you into a beautiful portrait of God's never ending faithfulness, love, and grace.

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