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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Unlocking the Angel Within

Michael Angelo lingered before a rough block of marble so long that his companion remonstrated. In reply, Angelo said. "There's an angel in that block and I am going to liberate him." Oh, what unbounding love would manifest itself in us towards the most unlovable - the most vile - if only we saw what they might become and in our enthusiasm for souls, we cried out, "There's the image of Christ - marred, scarred, well-nigh obliterated - in that dear fellow and I'm going to make that man concious of it."
Quote by A. E. Richardson

As I read this quote the other day, I couldn't help but think about the children the Lord has called me to minister too.

I have been involved in children's ministry for quite sometime (going on 8 yrs now).  I love every minute of it! Just recently, the Lord has opened the door for many more opportunities to serve in this copacity.

It started with the unexpected trip to Texas (read the story of God's Provision here). While I was there, I made a commitment to step out on faith and do impossible things for God.  Little did I know how soon that would start happening!

I came home from the conference, and Wednesday night, a very rambunctious 5 year old came into church, and suddenly we had Children's church! Praise God for the Children's Institute training I have had over the years! :)

Two weeks later, my pastor asked me what I thought about having a Vacation Bible School. I said I liked the idea, then he said "Would you like to lead it?". "Of course!" was my reply.

Within two weeks of the conference and making the commitment to do the impossible, the Lord had opened the door for two different children's ministries! I was and am thrilled!

When I saw the above quote, I thought about the little 5 year old, and the other kids that I am ministering to on a weekly basis, and the kids I will get to minister to for a week at VBS and CI.  A lot of kids (like the 5 year old) are rambunctious and people think they're a little crazy, and teachers prescribe Ridlin, because they don't see the potential within the child.

The Lord showed me from the first night I had that very hyper child the potential there is in his life.  If he has someone show him the way to Christ, and help channel his energy into productivity, he can become an on-fire soul-winner for Christ, a magnificent preacher, or an energetic youth leader, etc. all he needs is someone to show him how!

And it's not just this child, it's every child out there, and even some adults who haven't found their niche yet. They need guidance. They need someone to show them the way to Christ and help them hone their skills to release the angel within the stone.

What a blessing and honor it is to be apart of shaping and molding children for the Glory of God!!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

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