This past month has been a pretty amazing one for me! Definitely faith growing!
April 1st, I thought I was just going to stay around South Carolina, and stick to my usual routine.
Boy, was I wrong!!
It all started on Thursday, April 5th. I found out that a homeschool conference in Texas still needed teachers for the Children’s Institute they were having for the little kids.
I immediately said to myself- “I wish I could go, but I can’t.” And started listing the why not’s in my mind.
The list looked something like this-
Not enough money
Can’t get off from work
Don’t have a way out there
Don’t have anywhere to stay when I get there
This was just the tip of the iceberg; there were a few other things I had on my list.
I tried to push the thought out of my mind. I shared on Facebook that they still needed teachers, and thought – “okay, I’ve done my part. I don’t have to worry about it anymore.”
But the more I tried not ‘to worry’, the more I thought about it.
I started praying.
I said, “Lord, if you want me to go, You are going to have to provide the way.”
I talked to Momma about going to Texas. She didn’t say no right away, so I thought that was a good sign.
I kept praying.
On Monday, April 9th, my mom and dad were talking about faith, and Momma used me as an illustration in their conversation and said “I told Kristin to have faith that if the Lord wanted her to go to Texas, He would work out all of the details.”
On Tuesday morning, as I sat at work, I got to thinking about what Momma had said the night before. I called Momma up on the phone, and asked- “So, are you serious, if all the details work out, I can go?” Of course, she said yes. I called Daddy, and asked his permission. He agreed, if the Lord worked out the details, especially in this short time frame (we were only two weeks from the date I would have to leave- Monday, April 23rd), it was obviously His will, and of course I could go.
I got to work- You have not because you ask not.
I contacted a friend who I knew was heading to the conference from my area to see what her travel plans were. She was driving out with some friends. She gave me the name of a family who was attending who was even closer to my area, and some of their children weren’t going to the conference.
I emailed that family, and they had space for me in their tent and in their car. So I had a place to stay for the week and a ride to Texas.
I now had a way out, I just needed a way back home. I started checking airline prices.
Two things checked off of the list.
I then called my boss, and when I told her what I would be doing in Texas, she said- “Who am I to stand in the way of the Lord telling you to do something? Go!”
Now I had work taken care of too.
I kept praying.
Not too long ago, I read a biography of George Mueller. I was convicted and inspired by that biography. George Mueller was a man of God who made a vow never to ask man for money. He took all of his needs before the Lord, and the Lord always provided. He also never kept a ‘rainy day’ fund. Every cent that came to his ministry was assigned a specific purpose; it was not put aside ‘just because’.
So, as I was praying and asking the Lord to provide for the trip to Big Sandy, George Mueller came to mind, and the Lord said ‘What about your savings account?’ I looked at the total in my savings account and other things that I knew were coming up, and I said, ‘Okay Lord. I need you to provide a plane ticket for $400.’
I was looking for a flight back home, I found a ticket for $410. I thought, ‘I can swing the extra $10, no problem.’ When I told Momma about it, she said I should get a round trip ticket and just fly the whole way. I started looking for round trip tickets. The cheapest ticket I could find was $548. That was nowhere near the $400 I had asked the Lord to originally provide a ticket for. (Remember I was now less than two weeks away from when I would be leaving)
On Wednesday, my sister, Amanda, brought me a check from the school where she works. I had helped with childcare, and this was my payment. I had also received a check from my regular job that week as well. After tithe, the total of the two checks was $138, the difference of the $410 and the $548.
When I got online on Thursday to check ticket prices again, the flight I was looking at on Tuesday that was listed as $548, had come down $10! The Lord completely provided! And I didn’t even have ‘to swing that extra $10’!
So I now had a way out there, and way back home and a place to stay, all within THREE days!
The only thing left was a way to and from the airport.
I did some calling, emailing, and texting. No one could give me a ride all the way to and from.
For the next few days, I prayed for the Lord to provide. I said over and over- “I serve Jehovah-Jireh, a God who provides a way where there is no way!”
Then the final piece came together on Tuesday, April 17th.
The Lord directed me to a shuttle service. Between the shuttle and a family who was willing to go part way, I could get all the way to the conference and back to the airport. The Lord also provided the extra funds for the shuttle!
I had a marvelous time in Texas! I got to serve the Lord with 50 amazing teachers. I was able to share Christ’s love directly with 9 little blessings all week. I rekindled old friendships and made new ones. It was definitely an EPIC week!
When I got home and went to church on Sunday, April 29th, I was exhausted and sick (I had pretty much lost my voice), but every time I would even think about the week, I couldn’t help breaking into a huge smile! I was even told a couple times that I was 'glowing' as I talked about the week.
I can honestly say, without a shadow of a doubt, that I was in the center of God’s Will. All because I took the advice from a month ago and stepped out in faith.
Brothers and Sisters,
I challenge you, if there is something you know the Lord is telling you to do, don’t sit back and say you can’t. You never know what the Lord will do to get rid of the reasons of ‘I can’t’.
Just be willing to move when He says move!
Step Out In Faith and watch Jehovah work!!
Hi Kristin! This is an amazing story! I am glad you got to go and I got to be apart of your team! The Lord is so good isn't He? Have a wonderful night!