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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Fear of God

The last couple of weeks in Sunday School, we have been studying the Command of Christ- Honor your Parents.
This is a command that all of us should be following on a daily basis, but I know I, for one, fail miserably more often than not.
This Sunday, the lesson was specifically about Respecting Authority, and the different fears we have that evoke respect for our many different authorities.  And I must say, it was quite an eye-opener for me.

The teacher shared three fears that govern our motives for respect-
1. The Fear of Punishment
2. The Fear of Causing Shame
3. The Fear of Losing Intimacy

Fear #1, the Fear of Punishment, is what everyone should have. It is how the chain of command works in our everyday lives.  For instance- a child will do what their mother says because they’re afraid of the punishment that their dad will give them.  An employee will do what the manager says to do because they are afraid of the punishment of losing their job. So in a sense, the Fear of Punishment makes the world go around, you might say.

Fear #2, the Fear of Causing Shame motivates Godly actions.  People will change their whole demeanor to keep from bringing shame to their parents, their friends, their boss, or themselves. This is a Fear that we all will have at some point in our lives.

Fear #3, the Fear of Losing Intimacy. You might be saying, Hey, I don’t have a significant other, so I don’t need to worry about that!, but this Fear goes beyond human relationships.

May I ask you a question?

Do you profess to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?

If you do, then guess what?


You have a Significant Other! His name is Jesus Christ! And He loved you so much, He died on the cross and arose from the grave just to prove how much He loved you! If that doesn’t call for an intimate relationship, I don’t know what will.

*Now back to the Fear*

All three fears are ways that we relate to authority and can be applied in our everyday lives.
For example- We don’t speed because we’re afraid of the punishment of a speeding ticket; we don’t drink, smoke, cuss, etc. because we are afraid of the shame that it would bring our parents or grandparents if we did; we save ourselves for our husband or wife so that we may have an intimate relationship with them.

But how do we relate to Jesus, the Lover of our Souls?
King David said in Psalm 86:11- “Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name.”
This should be the cry of our hearts as well.  If for no other reason than because “The fear of the LORD tendeth to life: and he that hath it shall abide satisfied; he shall not be visited with evil.” (Proverbs 19:23)

But is it enough to Fear God with just a Fear of Punishment? Certainly, we should do or not do certain things, such as the Ten Commandments state. But do we obey simply because we fear the consequences?

Or should we fear Him solely based on the fact that we might cause Him shame? I mean, come on, there are just some things you shouldn’t do when you are a Christian.  Christian by definition means ‘Little Jesus’.  You bear HIS name.  Shouldn’t you at least act like it?

May I submit to you that both of these are good fears to have. They are motivating, driving forces that cause us to do what is right, but I believe that we need to have the Fear of losing an intimate relationship with Christ as our driving force behind why we do what we do!

Hebrews 12:28-29 says “Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire.”
(Side note- The term ‘Godly Fear’ used in this passage is the Greek word- Eulรกbeia – which means “fear of reverence”.)

I would submit to you, that if God is not a ‘consuming fire’ in your life, you are probably not living in a close and intimate relationship with Him.  The only thing really to compare this too is an engaged or newlywed couple-
A man and woman in love can hardly bare to be separated for more than a few moments usually, ask them to go apart for a few days, and you would think you had asked them to take a walk to the guillotine! Their love for each other consumes them! They think about each other constantly.  They are continually considering the others feelings, and trying not to do anything to hurt the other. And this only scrapes the surface of their love and devotion for each other! 
If a man and a woman, both mere mortals, can have that kind of love and reverence for each other- how much more should we have this same love, reverence, and devotion towards a Holy, righteous God?

Living in a close and intimate relationship with Christ will cause you to do things differently.  If you do not have this close relationship with Christ, I would challenge you to pick up your love letter (yes, I’m talking about the Bible ), and see what He has to say to you.

I have another question for you-How would you rate your Fear of God?

Ask yourself these questions-

Do I have a continual awareness that God is watching 
EVERYTHING I say, do, and think?

Do I bow before the LORD in honor of HIS Holiness?

Do I stand up to honor HIS Holiness when I sing hymns of praise?

Have I bowed the knee to Jesus to proclaim that HE IS LORD (this goes beyond the basic “Jesus, come into my heart and save me from my sins”. This is recognizing Christ as the sole Ruler of your life, and living your life in accordance with His Will on a daily basis)?

Do I take care of my body as a temple of the LORD?

Do my parents feel as if I honor them?

Do I respect government authority in their position as ministers appointed by God for my good?

Do I spend the LORD’S Day honoring HIM?

Do I deflect praise to the LORD?
This is by no means a list of guidelines or rules, or an exhaustive list of what you should be doing.   But it is a great spiritual check-up.   
I know many times I fall short in the everyday things, such as eating too much junk food from time to time, or getting a sarcastic tone in my voice when talking to my parents.  This really helped open my eyes to help me see that it’s the little things that matter (“…thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things…” Matt. 25:21b).
In closing, I think King Solomon said it the best-
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” Ecclesiastes 12:13

So, with this stitch in time God has so graciously given you, with what fear will you live?

Your Fellow Laborer and Sister in the Faith,


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